Tuesday, December 19, 2006

600km Trip to Lumut

I rode 600km last weekend. On my Elegan, of course!

I have planed it for about a month before the trip. I made the journey and it was very interesting. The destination was Lumut.

We started early in the morning. Out of the 14 motorbikes, 2 of them were Elegan, a Virago 535, Virago 750 and a CBR600RR . The rest were 125cc and 135cc moped@kapcai.
During the first quarter of the ride, it was raining. I have to slow down because the small tires worried me a little bit.

Once we were out of the rainy section, I kept up nicely with the others. The rest of the journey was excellent.

The coolant temperature of my Elegan rose during high speed (normal at 1 bar indicator). But when I slow down it went back to normal.

Overall, our cruising speed was around 90-110km/h. We stopped at an interval of about 120km for fuel. The moped@kapcai had a shorter traveling range at every full tank of fuel.

It was a very nice ride!

1 comment:

Wedelia said...

bro.. how much you spend to upgrade yr Elegan to 175cc. hw bout oil consumption?
