Monday, February 06, 2012


She was in the shop again. It was for a major service.
1) Change engine
2) Gear oil
3) Drive belt
4) Brake pump
5) Brake disc (rear)
6) Throttle cable
7) Temperature sensors

Wow....RM700 plus. Really was a major service. I am glad because I can enjoy zooming on it again.

Coolant temperature a bit high though..........

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


๑۩★۩๑ Scanner ๑۩★۩๑ said...

need to ask you that my elegan charging point nt working rafly hw much will it cost??

Unknown said...

dah 2 x tukar coil.over than 1K....hadoii.hari ini radiator tank pulak pecah,charging problem.tersadai ler

Unknown said...

bro..still ada copy wiring diagram?klu boleh paste kat blog nie..tq