Thursday, August 28, 2008

Elegan Update

It's been quite sometime since I last updated this blog. Been quite busy with daily routine.

I still ride the Elegan but now I have got it upgraded. I have installed a big bore unit. Now my Elegan is at 172cc.

I still haven't completed the running-in. But to be frank, it is wonderfull. The acceleration is just overwhelming.

At first, I thought I may regret spending so much on the upgrade, but now, I am really glad. I am looking forward to cruising all over the country soon..... of course with my Elegan.


mazezam said...

nice blog. I'm also recently acquire an Elegan. Trade-in with my VS125. Still in break-in period. Can't comment anything yet. May I ask, why the big-bore upgrade? Problem or just for fun?

Keep on updating

Dean said...

Well, I have almost 70k of mileage. It's about time to have the piston and piston ring replace because now my Elegan is a bit low in power. Since I have to do the major servicing, and got some extra budget, I decided to give it some upgrades.